Berklee Graduation 24′

I’ve stopped writing as much these last few years, since I’ve been in grad school. The writing never stopped really, the audience just shifted. A few weeks ago I graduated with my Master’s in Music Production and Engineering from Berklee College of Music, lifelong dream achieved.

That journey, filled with obstacles, fufillment, and learning from music royalty, isn’t one I’m ready to full unpack yet. Needless to say, it was a life-changing experience. But now I need some time to think, meditate on the lessons learned. I’ve got a lot of music to release in the interim, starting with my third Studio Arlen album HaTtr3ck, which will be coming out by late summer.

After that, I’m going to release the pop EP I created for my Berklee Masters Thesis, a real fun and modern approach to my songwriting. I’m working with the visual artist now on the cover art. Then I have a back to roots album in the works; I am overflowing with material and ideas, as always.

Berklee has given me the gift of more confidence in what I’m doing, and that means I can release more than I have in the past, comfortably.

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